How to treat urinary tract infection and hernia:
UTI(s) happpen when either 8th Lord or 8th House from Lagna is afflicted.
Refer Chart 25:
Thula “Libra” is the Lagna and so the 8th Lord is Venus. THe following afflictions take place related to 8th house and the 8th lord.
- 8th Lord Venus is ‘Combust’ due to close proximity to Sun.
- 8th Lord Venus is hemmed between malefics Saturn and Rahu
- 8th House is afflicted by the presence of Ketu.
Possible Remedial Measures:
- Havan for Sun + Swarna Aksrshana Bhairav to remove effect of combustion
- Havan for Saturn + Krodha Bhariav to remove affliction by Saturn
- Havan for Rahu + Samhara Bhirav to remove afflication by Rahu
- Havan fot Ketu + Bheeshana Bhairav to remove affliction due to Ketu
- After the above, havan for Venus + Ruru Bhairav if needed. Justification: Venus has been the afflicted planet.
In the above chart, also note that in addition to 8th Lord and 8th House the following are also afflicted:
- Lagna Lord Venus
- Lagna is afflicted due to presense of Sun, which is a natural as well as functional malefic.
- Lagna is hemmed between malefics ( Rahu and Saturn in this example)
The remedial measures listed also cover remedial measures for Lagna Lord as well as Lagna.
While you remove afflictions to Venus, expect the following benefits:
- Since Venus is the KalatraKaaraka ( Planet governing Spouse), quality of marital life will improve and also his/her spouse will experience improvements in his/her life.
- Since Venus is the Kaaraka for vehicles ( Significator of Vehicles), the person’s chances of buying a Vehicle will improve.
- Sun is the PitruKaaraka ( Governs Father ), conditions will improve for the native’s father.
- Sun is LagnaKaaraka and therefore governs overall health, the person’s overall health will improve.
- He/She may also get a Government/Federal Job.
- Person’s eyesight can also improve.
- Sun being the 11th Lord (House of Gains) for this particular horoscope, financial conditions of this person can also improve.
Saturn is lord of 4th and 5th house in this horoscope, this person can expect the following improvements:
- Education can improve.
- Acquire real estate property
- Blessed with good progeny
- Improvements in heart, lungs and stomach conditions.
How to treat throat infection and neck problems:
Throat infections/tonsilitis are caused due to afflictions to third house and third lord .Removing the afflictions is the way to treat throat infections. In addition overall body treatment for lagna, lagnalord and Sun may be required. Let us learn through example.
In chart no.26, third house is afflicted due to the presence of Rahu .Third lord is afflicted due to the the following reasons
1.It is debilitated.
2.It is hemmed between two natural malefics Rahu and Saturn.
So in this case both the third lord and third house are afflicted . Hence problems related to throat, neck etc can be expected. More so if lagna lord, lagnadipathi and Sun are also afflicted. These diseases can be experienced during the dasa/bhukti of the planets-Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn. So proper treatment will be removing the afflictions by appropriate havans to the four Navagrahas and their Bhairavas if required.
Also note by doing havan for Sun afflictions to second house are also removed. And so related benefits related to second house can also be expected.
How to improve education:
A native’s education is determined is determined as per the following factors.
To have good education one of the following conditions must be satisfied.
1.well placed forth lord.( means none of the weakening factors available for the fourth lord)
2.Jupiter/ Guru in the forth house from lagna/ascendent.
3.Aspect of Jupiter on the fourth house from the ascendent.
4.A well formed Budha-Aditya yoga(well formed Sun Mercury combination). For this yoga to be strong ,the combination shall not be in the 6th, 8th or 12th nor influenced by malefics Rahu,Ketu Saturn or hemmed between malefics.
Improving the the education involves removing the afflictions to the fourth lord, fourth house ,budha -aditya yoga etc.
Refer the sample chart no 27.
Following afflictions are seen.
1. Fourth house afflicted with Rahu.
2.Fourt lord Jupiter/Guru is hemmed between two malefics namely Rahu and Saturn.
3. Fourth lord is debilitated.
So the remedial measures needed shall be appropriate havan to Rahu/samhara Bhairava, saturn/ Krodha Bhairava Jupiter/ Asitanga Bhairava.
Medha Dakshinamoorthy havan also often helps in improving intelligence of the native. Pl note that fourth house also represents mother, vehicle, heart, lungs ,chest etc. Above mentioned remedial measures can give improvement in the factors as well.
How to treat heart and lung diseases?
In an horoscope fourth house represents fourth house from lagna represents heart ,lungs and chest.
afflictions to fourth lord or fourth house can indicate diseases of lungs, heart and chest.
Afflictions to fourth lord can be due to
1.Association with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn.
2.Aspect of saturn.
3.Hemmed between malefics like Rahu, ketu, saturn, Mars and Sun .
4. Association with 6th lord like aspect of 6th lord or conjunction with it.
5. Combustion due to close proximity to Sun.
6.Posited in in the 6th,8th or 12th from lagna.
For details on afflictions to 4th house refer the Course material.
Addressing the afflictions consists in appropriate havan to afflicting planet/ its associated Bhairava . Dhanvantri havan often helps in improving the health.
In addition to fourth lord and fourth house , overall health also to be considered like affliction to Lagna lord, Sun and Lagna.
It is to be noted that while doing havan for removing afflictions to fourth lord/fourth house ,matters related to fourth house like education, house, mother, vehicle etc can also show improvement.