Love Transit Report


What is Love Transit Report?
Love Transit Report is a special reading that predicts your love life and relationships in the given time period. This report concludes the favourable time period when you can find love, begin a relationship, and get married. It also predicts if you are currently facing any major setbacks in love, when the trouble will end and better times will begin.

How is this report prepared?
This reading involves study of impact of transiting planets on your natal charts. Key considerations include:

  • Position and strength of Venus (the planet of love, luxuries and romance)
  • Position and strength of Jupiter (the planet of luck, abundance and joy)
  • Effects of different planetary positions and combinations in your 5th House (the house of love, romance, fertility and creativity) as well as in the 7th House (the House of marriage and partnerships).
  • Comparative position and placement of the Moon (that rules our instincts and deep buried emotions)
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